Руководство по Old2New
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тел. 8 (800) 201-64-80
3-port seat valve, internally threaded, PN16, DN11/4", kvs = 11.5 m3/h, dpmax = 20 kP
Цена указана без НДС
3-port seat valve, internally threaded, PN16, DN11/2", kvs = 16 m3/h, dpmax = 15 kPa
Double thermostat without safety function (control thermostat (TR), thermal reset limit thermostat (TW) )
Electronic heat cost allocator with AMR radio interface, Single-sensor, due date 12/31
Proportional Klimo controller
Magnetic control valve (2-port)
Motoric 3-port zone valve AC 230 V on/off 2-position control signal; PN16
3-port flanged slipper valve PN6, DN65, kvs = 100 m3/h, dpmax = 30 kPa;
Electronic step switch with 6 switching steps
Magnetic control valve (suction valve)
Electronic step switch with 4 switching steps
Electronic step switch with 2 switching steps
Magnetic control valve for DC 0 ... 20 V phase cut signal, PN16
M-Bus signal converter
Duct humidity sensor
3-port valve with T-bypass PN16, DN10, kvs = 1.6 m3/h, dpmax = 100 kPa
2-port flanged valve, PN40, NW80.
Electronic heat meter wall mounting, nominal flow rate 0.6 m?/h
Electro-mechanical valve / damper actuator
Butterfly valve PN6
refrigerant valve, threaded, DN1/2-3/8"
2-port valve PN10, DN10, kvs = 0.75 m3/h, dpmax = 100 kPa
Double thermostat with safety function (control thermostat (TR), safety limit thermostat (STB) )
8 (800) 201-64-80
Адрес: 127106, Россия, г.Москва, Нововладыкинский пр., д.8, стр.4, офис 100.Время работы: Понедельник - Пятница с 9:00 до 18:00Реквизиты ООО «МАРК»ИНН: 5322006704 КПП: 771501001