UNIVERSAL single-jet impeller type meter with remote reading output and without Namur circuitry
UNIVERSAL single-jet impeller type meter with remote reading output and without Namur circuitry
Impeller type heat and cooling energy meter, wall-mounted, nominal flow rate 2.5 m3/h, with IrDA interface & M-bus communication
Impeller type heat and cooling energy meter, wall-mounted, nominal flow rate 1.5 m3/h, with IrDA interface & M-bus communication
Impeller type heat and cooling energy meter, wall-mounted, nominal flow rate 0.6 m3/h, with IrDA interface & M-bus communication
Impeller type heat meter, wall-mounted, nominal flow rate 2.5 m3/h, with IrDA interface & M-bus communication
Адрес: 127106, Россия, г.Москва, Нововладыкинский пр., д.8, стр.4, офис 100.
Время работы: Понедельник - Пятница с 9:00 до 18:00
Реквизиты ООО «МАРК»
ИНН: 5322006704 КПП: 771501001