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CCA-CMPT-ELEC: Desigo CC Компактная базовая лицензия только для систем электроснабжения

Цена указана без НДС

Краткое описание

The Desigo CC Compact Management Platform is a single point of entry for users to operate, monitor and optimize small and medium sized buildings. Desigo CC Compact can be installed either on one single standard computer, or in an embedded hardware PC, with full server and client functionality. Furthermore, Installed, Web, and Windows App Clients can also be added on separate hardware. Web interfaces provide the customer an increased flexibility for operation and future extensions, e.g. mobile applications for tablets and smart phones.

The feature set for Desigo CC Compact Electricalt includes the following

- Event Management & Journaling
- Graphic Viewer
- Scheduler, time based reactions, macros
- Trend Viewer
- Remote Notification (E-Mail, Pager, SMS)
- Reports
- Log Viewer
- Advanced Reporting
- Operator Tasks
- BACnet Server
- Logics (events/COV based Reactions, Scripts)
- Datamate (Apogee tool)
- Long Term Storage & Archiving: Included 4 (max. 4) standard archive groups, 1 for each type of records (activities, events, incidents and values)

- Standard drivers (Modbus, SNMP, S7 max. 8 PLC)
- Apogee P2 driver
- Integration Token (10 included)
- Mobile App and/or Web Service sessions (maximum 5)

- 3 clients (maximum 3)

Data Points:
- 500 Electrical data points included, more points can be ordered
- No Building Automation points are inlcuded but can be ordered up to a maximum of 500
- No Fire data points are inlcuded but can be ordered up to a maximum of 500
- No SCADA data points are inlcuded but can be ordered up to a maximum of 500
- No meter data points are inlcuded but can be ordered up to a maximum of 30

Логистическая информация

Длина упаковки, см -
Ширина упаковки, см -
Высота упаковки, см -
Вес, кг -

Сертификат и гарантия:

Гарантийный срок со стороны производителя составляет: 1 год

Официальный предстовитель Siemens

Название линейки Desigo
Срок гарантии, лет 1
Приложение Электроснабжение
Тип лицензии Компактная

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Контакты & Поддержка


Адрес: 127106, Россия, г.Москва, Нововладыкинский пр., д.8, стр.4, офис 100.
Время работы:  Понедельник - Пятница с 9:00 до 18:00
Реквизиты ООО «МАРК»
ИНН: 5322006704  КПП: 771501001